Was brauchen Kinder heute?
Über diese Frage haben sich Prominente wie Roger Moore und viele Freunde, Unterstützer und Ehrenamtliche von UNICEF Gedanken gemacht. Mit ihren Wünschen für die Kinder von heute gratulieren sie UNICEF Deutschland zum 60. Geburtstag.
Auch UNICEF-Botschafterin Nana Mouskouri hat jetzt mitgemacht.

Nana Mouskouri schickt einen Geburtstagsgruß zu 60 Jahren UNICEF Deutschland und beantwortet die Frage: Was brauchen Kinder heute? Machen Sie auch mit!
© UNICEF/NYHQ1996-0885/LinhWenn Nana Mouskouri auf ihre eigene Kindheit zurückblickt, dann ist sie glücklich über die Geborgenheit, die ihre Eltern ihr vermittelt haben. Ihre Familie gab ihr stets das Gefühl, sicher zu sein. Obwohl die gebürtige Griechin während des Zweiten Weltkriegs geboren wurde. Ihre Kindheit war daher geprägt von Gewalt, Hunger und Krankheit.
Für UNICEF Deutschland hat sich die griechische Sängerin und Politikerin nun noch einmal überlegt, was für sie als Kind am wichtigsten war und was Kinder heute am meisten brauchen.
Lesen Sie hier ihre ausführlichen Antworten auf die beiden Fragen, die UNICEF Deutschland allen Freunden und Unterstützern im Geburtstagsjahr stellt:
Was war für Sie als Kind am wichtigsten?
What was most important for me as a child was the shelter of my parents, the protection of my family, the love and care my sister and I needed in the middle of a desperate world. It was the time when UNICEF was created. Wartime. Hunger. Starvation. Refugees. Illnesses. We were lucky to be together. For there was bombing and killing and then civil war. They were by our side trying to find food for us, to keep us warm from the cold, to help us understand that this situation was not forever. They said it was part of life, but would change one day. There were other people sharing the same problems with us, and we should think of them, too!
But our parents also wanted us to know there were people who cared for us and would help us get out of all that sorrow. We were not alone in this world of trouble. We needed courage, we needed faith that there would be justice and peace, that we would be protected somewhere. Then we would go to school with other children to learn many wonderful things about life. We would learn to be positive. Fight poverty, fight aggression, avoid the war. Search for peace. Learn that we can help to find peace, love, care and humanity and to build a world for our children with less suffering. And we still learn.

Nana Mouskouri (2. v. l.) mit ihrer Familie
© PrivatWas brauchen Kinder heute?
First of all, children today need safety, love and care. A family! The world has not changed in that way. Children still need security, protection, education. They need food, need healthcare. Years ago the Convention on the Rights of the Child was signed by practically all the countries in the world – but is it being respected? UNICEF does respect it. UNICEF has been trying very hard to implement these Rights of the Child in the most human and direct way from the very beginning.
Children need to be respected, they need dignity. More than ever, they need protection, need an environment to trust, to feel secure and surrounded by people who give them food, care, love, education and equality with all other children. They need peace. Children need our support, our respect and humanity. Let us not forget them. For every child is our child.
Reihen auch Sie sich ein neben Nana Mouskouri und Roger Moore!
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