Archiv UNICEF-Studien und Berichte

UNICEF-Studien und Berichte deutsch


Die Rechtstellung von Kindern im neuen Migrations- und Asylpaket der EU – Rechtliche Analyse

Kinder – unsere Zukunft! Der UNICEF-Bericht zur Lage der Kinder in Deutschland 2021


20 Jahre gewaltfreie Erziehung im BGB – Aktuelle Einstellungen zu Körperstrafen und elterliches Erziehungsverhalten in Deutschland

Gewaltschutz in Unterkünften für geflüchtete Menschen – Eine kinderrechtliche Analyse basierend auf einer Befragung der 16 Bundesländer

Kinderrechte in Kommunen: Stand und Perspektiven – Eine empirische Studie zur Umsetzung von Kinderrechten auf kommunaler Ebene


Online-Erfahrungen von 9- bis 17-Jährigen – Ergebnisse der EU Kids Online-Befragung in Deutschland 2019

Familienfreundliche Arbeitsplätze - Ansätze und Praktiken zur Förderung menschenwürdiger Arbeit in globalen Lieferketten


Kinder im Jemen – Ein Situationsbericht


Kindheit im Wartezustand – Studie zur Situation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Flüchtlingsunterkünften in Deutschland


Einsatz für Kinderrechte Eine globale Studie unabhängiger Menschenrechtsinstitutionen für Kinder – Zusammenfassender Bericht


UNICEF-Bericht zur Lage der Kinder in Industrieländern 2010 – Mittelplatz für Deutschland

UNICEF-Studien und Berichte international


Minimum Standards for the Protection of Refugees and Migrants in Refugee Accommodation Centres

Fed to Fail? – The crisis of children's diets in early life

Drying up – Lebanons's water supply system; on the verge of collapse

"Respond to our cry" – Children’s urgent need for help in South Sudan

Talent on the move – Listening to children and young people on the move to unlock their potential

The state of the worlds children 2021 – On my mind: Promoting, protecting and caring for children’s mental health

Education disrupted – Impact of the conflict on children’s education in Yemen

Progress on household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene –2000-2020

The climate crisis is a child rights crisis – Introducing the Children’s Climate Risk Index

Where do rich countries stand on childcare?

Supply Annual Report 2020 – Extraordinary Operation at Scale

The state of food security and nutrition in the world – Transforming food systems for food security, improved nutrition and affordable healthy diets for all

Water under fire Volume 3 –Attacks on water and sanitation services in armed conflict and the impacts on children


Covid-19: Are children able to continue learning during school closures? – A global analysis of the potential reach of remote learning policies using data from 100 countries

A Neglected Tragedy – The global burden of stillbirths

A New Era for Girls – Taking stock of 25 years of progress

Averting a lost COVID generation – A six-point plan to respond, recover and reimagine a post-pandemic world for every child

Addressing the learning crisis – An urgent need to better finance education for the poorest children

Levels & Trends in Child Mortality – Report 2020

Innocenti Report Card 16 – Worlds of Influence - Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries

Responsible business conduct for children – Strengthening EU policy measures to adress business impacts on childrens rights

Progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in schools – Special focus on COVID-19

The Toxic Truth: Children’s Exposure to Lead Pollution Undermines a Generation of Future Potential

What have we learnt? – Overview of findings from a survey of ministries of education on national responses to COVID-19

Supporting Families and Children Beyond COVID-19 - Social Protection in High Income Countries

Beyond Survival – Rohingya Refugee Children in Bangladesh want to learn

COVID-19 – A threat to progress against child marriage


A world ready to learn: Prioritizing quality early childhood education

Birth Registration for Every Child by 2030: Are we on track?

Levels & Trends in Child Mortality – Report 2019

Child-sensitive return – Upholding the best interests of refugee and migrant children in return and reintegration decisions and processes in Germany

Preserving Hope in Afghanistan – Protecting children in the world’s most lethal conflict

The State of the Worlds Children 2019 – Children, food
and nutrition

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World –Safeguarding against Economic Slowdowns and Downturns


An Unfair Start - Inequality in Children's Education in Rich Countries

Child Notice Afghanistan – Bericht zur menschenrechtlichen Lage von Kindern in Afghanistan

If not in school – The paths children cross in Yemen

Uprooted in Central America and Mexico – Migrant and refugee children face a vicious cycle of hardship and danger

Women: At the heart of the HIV response for children


Innocenti Report Card 14 – Building the Future – Children and the Sustainable Development Goals in Rich Countries


Innocenti Report Card 13 – Fairness for Children – A league table of inequality in child well-being in rich countries


Innocenti Report Card 12 – Children of the Recession – The impact of the economic crisis on child well-being in rich countries

A study on early child marriage in Jordan 2014


Innocenti Report Card 9 – The Children left behind – A league table of inequality in child well-being in the world’s rich countries