Roselena Ramistella, Italy
Europe: Next generation
Clean water, stopping climate change, conservation of biodiversity and forests, sustainable production, preference for renewable energies – these are some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that aim to improve living conditions by 2030. In her photo series with children, Italian photographer Roselena Ramistella has freely and associatively interpreted these themes.

Because it’s the children who will have to live with the consequences of our current lifestyle. The children, as Ramistella states, whose hopes we must not disappoint and whose prospects we must not darken.
Curriculum Vitae: Roselena Ramistella, Italy (Freelance Photographer)

Roselena Ramistella, born in 1983, lives in Gela, Sicily. She studied Political Science at the University of Catania. Social issues and the interaction between man and nature are at the center of her photographic narrative. Her work has been published in numerous renowned Italian and British media and has been exhibited in Milan, London and Arles.