Veronique de Viguerie, France
Yemen: Between life and death
In Yemen, every ten minutes a child dies from a treatable disease. Experienced French photographer Veronique de Viguerie states that she had never seen so many violations of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as she did in Yemen, particularly in the northern part of the country.

There, the children sleep in the streets because their houses have been destroyed by bombers. Children become beggars because their families have no source of income left. They become orphans and cripples, suffer from malnutrition and fall victim to starvation. Or they flee, like more than two million fellow Yemenis, from the air raids, the fighting and the growing misery. For almost two years now, their teachers have not been paid and therefore millions of girls and boys cannot attend school any longer. And since most of the times there is not even gasoline for ambulances, people die before they can be transported to one of the few remaining hospitals.
Chances of fleeing from the country: zero. Neither by land nor by sea. In a hospital in Sa’dah, a city in north-western Yemen once labeled a UNESCO World Heritage site but by now mostly destroyed, Viguerie found an eleven-year-old boy with shrapnel fragments lodged in his head, which nobody on site was able to remove. She saw nine-year-olds with the most severe injuries. And sometimes a little human being on the street, abandoned by all, closer to death than to life.
Curriculum Vitae: Veronique de Viguerie (Freelance Photographer)

Visa d’Or News Visa pour l’Image 2018 Yemen, the hidden war Visa d’Or humanitaire of ICRC 2018 Yemen, the hidden war Shortlisted for War Reportage in Bayeux festival 2018 Prix El Mundo Best photojournalist 2015 Prix Paris-Match Femme en Or 2015 Rohingyas in Myanmar Prix Paris-Match Femme en Or 2014 Women Sand Looters in Cape Verde Best War Reportage 2010 Festival de Bayeux War on black gold in Niger Delta Prix du Public Best war reportage Festival de Bayeux World Press Photo 2009, 3ème place, Sujets Contemporains, Femicides in Guatemala Festival de Bayeux 2009, 2ème Prix du Public, Pirates in Somalia Festival du Scoop à Angers 2007, Prix Jeune Photographe, « The Taliban Come Back » Festival de Bayeux 2007, 2ème Prix du Public, « Afghanistan Insh’Allah » Visa pour l’Image 2007, exposition « Afghanistan Insh’Allah » Prix Canon et de l’AFJ 2006 Best Woman photoreporter Jeune Talent de la Bourse Lagardère 2006 Jeune Reporter Paris Match 2004, finalist Young Photographer 2004 finalist Time Uk Picture Editor Awards 2003, Best Student of the Year BOOKS, FILM,
EXHIBITIONS 2018 : Exhibition Visa pour l’Image « Yemen, the Hidden War »
2018 : Exhibition Festival de Bayeux of Yemen the Hidden War
2016 : Book with writer Manon Querouil « Profession : Reporter » Editions Lamartinière
2014 : Talker TEDx Paris (1)
2014 : Membre Jury FIGRA
2013 : Membre Jury World Press Photo (3)
2012 : Starring in the Witness of HBO. (2)
2011 : Book « Carnets de Reportage du XXIe siècle » Editions Verlhac
2010 : Exhibition « The War on oil in Niger Delta » Festival of War Correspondents Bayeux
2007 : Exhibition « Afghanistan, Insh’Allah » Visa pour l’Image, Perpignan
2006 : Book « Afghanistan, Regards Croisés » aux Editions Hachette
2002-2004 : Staff photographer for the Lincolnshire Echo, UK
TRAINING 2003 National Certificate Examination (NCE) de photojournalisme au Sheffield College 2001 A level, grade A in photography in UK 2000 Public Law master, University Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, France French, mothertongue English, fluent Spanish, Persian: Driving License car and motorbike HOBBIES Moto Kick-boxing, kite surf, snow-board, horse riding.