Niclas Hammarström, Sweden
Syria is currently one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists. Despite this fact, Swedish photographer Niclas Hammarström (Kontinent Agency) has traveled several times to Syria since the war started almost three years ago to capture the life of the children caught between the frontlines. The pictures of his winning photo series were taken between October 2012 and January 2013.

Niclas Hammarström was born in Sweden in 1969. In 1993, he began working for the Swedish daily Aftonbladet, as their US-based photographer. While living in New York City, Niclas photographed events in the US, Canada, and South America for almost five years. He covered major events, such as the siege in Waco, the World Trade Center bombing, the Oklahoma City bombing, the 1994 soccer World Cup, and the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, as well as numerous Mike Tyson fights in Las Vegas.
In 2002, after the Olympics in Salt Lake City, he stopped working as a photographer and joined the family business selling and manufacturing handicap aid tools. In 2010, he sold the company and stayed home taking care of his family for a year, before realizing that he wanted to return to photography. In 2011 he started up as a freelance Photographer.
1st, Luis Valtuená International Humanitarian Photography Award / 1st, general news, Picture of the year international / 1st, Unicef photo of the year award
1st, news picture domestic, Swedish picture of the year award / 2nd, news picture story international, Swedish picture of the year award
3rd, daily life picture international, Swedish picture of the year award / 1st, non-traditional photojournalism publishing, NPPA / Awarded ”Journalist of the Year” by the Swedish Magazine Publishers Association
2nd, news picture international, Swedish picture of the year award / 2nd, spot news story, World Press Photo