
Coronavirus – Whatever it takes to protect children and families. Are you with us?

#PackCorona & PETnology

The ask is simple: Clean water. Soap. Medical kits. Gloves.

This pandemic sits against a backdrop of some 3 in 10 people worldwide who are lacking access to safe, readily available water at home to protect themselves. We must act immediately to protect the most vulnerable people who need access to clean water and sanitation and protective supplies. For in protecting others, we also protect ourselves.

With your support, UNICEF will do whatever it takes to ensure children and their families get what they need to stay safe.

Handwashing with soap is one of the cheapest, most effective things you can do to protect yourself and others against coronavirus disease. Yet for millions, even this most basic of steps is out of reach.

Please help protect children and families by making a critical donation today.

What UNICEF is doing

Alongside the supply of critical resources and emergency care, UNICEF is cooperating with partners to reach millions of children who are out of school with educational resources, social protection and ongoing essential healthcare in the more than 190 countries where UNICEF is working.

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